Welcome 2 Riley's Garage

(This is my shrine for my boyfriend!) Riley has been my boyfriend since July of 2023. We met earlier that year when he was a junior and I was a sophomore in high school but didn't really get to know each other until May. We started going on dates at the beginning of June.

Our first date was a bit awkward, we went to the mall but his friend 3rd wheeled a little by coming along, though he didn't get in the way too much. We wandered about our local mall, and stood and talked on the balcony on the second floor overlooking the escalators below the skylight for almost an hour. He wanted to hold hands towards the end of the date, but I was too embarassed and wasn't ready. He was the first person I'd ever gone on a date with!

Our second date was at Steak & Shake after I mentioned I'd never been, where we endulged in a platter of chicken tenders and once they were done, sat there from 4pm until 7pm just talking about ourselves and our interests.

Our next few dates made us more and more comfortable with each other, and soon I realized he was autistic as well, with his special interest being in cars and cars only. It was fantastic I had met someone so quickly who was so alike, even if we didn't share many common interests. Previously I had been in a situationship for over a year with a guy who was also autistic and liked cars. He filled my head with loose bits of information about them that I memorized to get him to like me. It was hellish, but it let me connect with my current boyfriend and bring us closer together, so at least I got something out of it, besides that experience having made me who I am or whatever lol.

We've had our ups and downs, it hasn't been perfect, but I'm so glad to be with such a patient, accepting and sweet guy who treats me like a princess even if i'm not the best girlfriend in the world